• + 254 724 2714443/+ 254 704 679609
  • info@hoperescuecenter.org
  • P.o Box 18552-00100,Nairobi,Kenya
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Does your partner do any of the following?

  • Use any form of physical violence towards you?
  • Call you names or use other put-downs?
  • Destroy or damage your property?
  • Control your finances or deny you access to your finances?
  • Threaten to harm you or your loved ones?
  • Criticize your abilities as a parent.
  • Become jealous of your friends and the time you spend with them?
  • Control the contact you have with your family and friends?
  • Make unwanted advances or force you to perform sexual acts?
  • Threaten to commit suicide if you leave?
  • Threaten to take the children if you leave?
  • Emotionally abuse you?
  • Use spiritual or religious beliefs to hurt, scare, or control you?